Qutebrowser Cheatsheet


Key CombinationDescription
Shift+jGo to next tab (to the right), looping around to first tab if at the end
Shift+kGo to previous tab (to the left), looping around to last tab if at the beginning
gtOpen list of tabs to fuzzy search and jump to specified tab
+Shift+tGo to tab at N

Moving Tabs

Key CombinationDescription
gDMove current tab to new window

Deleting Tabs

Key CombinationDescription
dClose current tab
coClose all tabs but current tab

Element Selection

Select Input

Key CombinationDescription
giGo to primary input textbox (not sure how it decides)
;tProvide hints for selecting an input textbox
Key CombinationDescription
fProvide hints for selecting a hyperlink (to open in current tab)
Shift+fProvide hints for selecting a hyperlink (to open in new tab)


Open URL

Key CombinationDescription
oOpen list of history/quickmarks as well as be able to provide own link to go to in current tab
Shift+oOpen list of history/quickmarks as well as be able to provide own link to go to in new tab


Key CombinationDescription
ggJump to top of page
Shift+gJump to bottom of page
[N]+jMove down 1 line in page, or N lines if specified
[N]+kMove up 1 line in page, or N lines if specified

Page History

Key CombinationDescription
Shift+hGo back in history of current tab
Shift+lGo forward in history of current tab
Key CombinationDescription
/Search for text in current tab
nMove forward in search in current tab
Shift+nMove backward in search in current tab